Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Those Who Can't Teach - Shelley Kenow pt 2



Those Who Can’t Teach Shelley Kenow pt 2 We’ve seen news reports about how the COVID lockdowns has detrimentally affected the aptitude scores of school age children. We’ve seen reports of how many students are still struggling in school. Those two years of the shutdown has set many students back years in their ability to use applied knowledge to their studies. But there is also another group of students that suffered greatly. Their stories are not being promoted or discussed very much in the public sector. But that is nothing new. For many special needs students, their stories have not been that “front and center” that often. The teachers tasked with helping these special needs children also struggle in trying to help them achieve success. The COVID lockdowns also affected them. There is just something “missing” with virtual learning that cost our children dearly during COVID, especially in the Special Needs community. My guest today has been working with special needs children for over 25 years. Shelley Ken