Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Asato Ma Sad Gamaya chanted by the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Family



Asato Ma Sad Gamaya is a powerful peace mantra to guide us to liberation from our own ignorance. "Guide me..." reminds us that there is a higher energy that guides us along the way. The essence of this mantra is to transform from Asat (untruth) to Sat (truth). The three individual verses are like an affirmation or prayer that help us experience the highest. The goal in yoga is moksa, liberation, immersion in the light - which is exactly what we ask for in this mantra. It is a soothing mantra that gives us hope. It reminds us that there is a higher energy that stands by us in difficult times and also every day when we want to overcome our own limitations.