Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole

S7E13: Entering Hekate’s Garden With Cyndi Brannen



Join Andrieh Vitimus, Zachary Lui, and Cyndi Brannen, author of Entering Hekate's Garden, for a captivating discussion about Hekatean ritual and witchcraft. From understanding plant spirits as allies to implementing botanicals in your practice, Cyndi will bring her extensive knowledge to the table. How can we develop meaningful relationships with the pharmakoi? What surprising lessons have been learned about the Green World? Let's hear what Cyndi has to say! Dive into our discussion and sharpen your understanding of the relationship between humans and plants in a world full of lush secrets waiting to be uncovered. --- Connect with Queen City Curio and Apothecary & Deeper Down The Rabbit Hole LEARN: Become a Sponsor & gain access to 60+ online workshops and other benefits: —------- Subscribe to Queen City Curio and Apothecary VideoCast Here: QueenCityCurioandApothSubscribe And Listen To Queen City Curio and Apothecary VideoCast & Deeper Down The