48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Why am I still limping?



I walk about 20-25 miles a week. I love being out early in the morning and seeing our neighborhood come to life. But lately I’ve been having big problems with blistered toes and sore calves. Some days I could hardly make it home. But today - those problems are gone. I can walk indefinitely - like Forrest Gump I'm tempted to just keep going. Let me tell you what changed and what the principle is that can very possibly remove some pain points from your life as well. Episode #908 - July 07, 2023 Questions:  Do you have an area in your life where there’s ongoing pain? Something that you dread every day?  Are you tolerating mediocrity in your life in some area - where there is probably a readily available solution?  Have you asked for help?  Are you willing to try something new? To break what may be a habit at this point, with the potential of eliminating that pain? Summary Points: What is it that’s giving you blisters? Where are you tolerating mediocrity in your life when a solution may be readily available