Rosebank Union Sermon Audio

Kingdom of Heaven Pt 17 - The Jesus Way



Finishing up Season 2 of Kingdom of Heaven, our series in the Gospel of Matthew, Richard looks at the conclusion of Jesus's Sermon on The Mount where He concludes with a very sobering ending to reinforce the need for us to embrace the way that he has taught us to live. To actually live out what He has taught, rather than just admire it from a distance.To see this, we look at the three metaphors presented in this passage, the wise & foolish builder, the true and the false prophet and the narrow and the wide road.Season 3 of Kingdom of Heaven starts on 30 July. Remember to get your new study guide which will be ready on the 27th of July.~~~Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series: a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg