Align Podcast

Pavel Stuchlik AKA NOA|AON: The Power Of BreathWork And How Radiation Affects Our Health | EP 451



In this episode of the Align Podcast, Pavel tells us all about breathwork, whether it can be a way to re-surface past trauma and how that can help us heal. We also touch upon the importance of building trust and connection within ourselves, others and our environment. We then discuss natural and manmade EMFs and how those can affect our physiology. Pavel shares the frequencies that we consume daily and how those can be reduced for a healthier lifestyle. We also talk about our individual and collective consciousness, how to manifest the life we want and what it means to surrender. Listen to the episode for a bonus 15-minute breathwork experience to reset your system! NOA|AON, also known as Pavel Stuchlik. With over 15 years of experience traveling the world and immersing himself in some of the most rigorous teachings, NOA has become an expert in transformation, self-realization and harmonious living. As an internationally conscious DJ/producer, serial impact 7-figure entrepreneur and investor, certified Ambass