Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

We are always making the best possible choice – Healing Fundamentals (Part 3) (Pod #565)



This week we are continuing the Healing Fundamentals series with what I think is the most controversial fundamental of the whole series...at least at first glance. One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients is when they are berating themselves for all of the times they have made poor choices, even when "they should have known better!" When this happens, they beat themselves up emotionally for being "so stupid" or "weak" or "thoughtless". The reality is we are always making the best possible choice. This is a healing fundamental (with two important caveats) and once understood, your personal transformation and healing will be easier, and longer lasting. Listen or watch here to see how you can add this controversial idea to your healing practice. Support the podcast! Http://tappingqanda.com/support Subscribe in: Apple Podcast | iPhone | Android | Google Podcast | Spotify | Pandora | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio