Golf Strategy School Podcast

Top 3 Podcasts



Happy new year everyone! Hopefully you've had a good holiday and are ready to kick off your season right.   Today I wanted to talk about the three most impactful episodes of the podcast and how you can use them to maximize your off-season.   When most people think about the off-season their mind immediately goes to fitness. Mike and Kyle from super speed golf shared some incredible information about how to physically train for a more powerful swing. (Full episode here)   I know a lot of people don't like going to the gym (frankly, neither do I!). The coolest thing about the workout technique Mike & Kyle have developed is that it A) draws on proven science used in other sports and B) doesn't require you to go to the gym and lift heavy things!   They use a process called over speed training to help golfers build their swing speed. It borrows from a technique in baseball where pitchers use balls that are different weights to not only build their muscles, but to train their brain and body to th