Food Afield With John Schneider

Beka Garris - A Traditional Bowhunter's Journey



Check out the Food Afield Podcast on Instagram! Follow along for all of our wild food adventures.Beka Garris is a busy person. Her two young children, outdoor activities, and writing career mean her time is precious. I was grateful then that she set aside a little of her time to chat with us about her tradbow journey here on the podcast. Beka faces a lot of barriers when it comes to being out in the woods with her bow. However, she was determined to keep that part of her life intact and to share it with her kids. Relocating the family, not having access to private land, and naysayers trying to knock her down, it didn't matter to Beka. She is just out doing her thing with a traditional bow in one hand and her daughters in the other. The entire focus of traditional bowhunting for Beka is food, but perhaps even more important, at least right now, is showing her two daughters this sustainable lifestyle. Having young children is not forever, one day she will have all of the time in the world to be out hunting