Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

Why Robots and Systems Can’t Replace Human Connection



Human Connection Is Irreplaceable Dress appropriately for the situation and audience— it's the little things that close the sale. Do research on who you're trying to sell to and a personalized follow-up email after a demo or meeting that adds value to the conversation. Video messages following a meeting are a unique way to stay in front of your prospect and show them you truly care about helping them solve their business challenges. Use handwritten notes to show appreciation and make your communication more human. Taking the time to write a note to your prospect demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and helps built trust. Taking a personalized and phone first sales approach still matters, especially in a world taken over by AI. Leverage checklists to remember and systematize important tasks. Even surgeons and pilots use checklists to make sure that details don't fall through the cracks. Sales is a contact sport. Leaders should train, drill, and reinforce the basics and fundamentals wit