Underground Usa

Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?



Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have.First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven –  beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial liar. The guy couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. And what does the House do? They censure him.Okay, great good move. You need to call him out on it; make sure that he has to wear “The Scarlet Letter”. But what happens to him? What punishment does he face?Honestly, Schiff should have been expelled. He should have had to petition to get back into Congress. His conduct sucks. He's not representing his people, he's representing only the far Left faction of his party. So, he's not fulfilling his oath of office.Then we need to look at John Durham.Okay, he finally came out and gave us his report and his report says – point blank – that there was no reason for the FBI in the DoJ