Polling Politics

28: The Emperor's New Wall (with Nicky Woolf)



On this week's episode, Joe Twyman and Marie Le Conte are joined by New Statesman USA's Nicky Woolf to discuss Brexit, Anglo-American self-conceptions, the shutdown, the wall, and the field of democratic nominees. We also consider the country that most Brits would like to move to and check in with Sarbjit from Smarkets to find out how the betting markets have been moving this week. This podcast is sponsored by Smarkets. Visit https://smarkets.com/politics for more. Presented by Joe Twyman and Marie Le Conte. With Nicky Woolf. Produced by Nick Hilton. Theme music by Joe Button. This is a Podot podcast. For more details go to podotpods.com and for sales and advertising email nick@podotpods.com