Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

006 – Get a fair shake on Wall Street with the White Coat Investor



How many of you just want to stick your head in the sand when it comes to understanding personal finance and investing? I get it!  The majority of us had no exposure to finances in college and medical school which either makes us feel like we don’t know what we’re doing or makes us feel obligated to pay someone else to manage our hard-earned money!Well, what if I told you that understanding investing is a lot simpler than the concepts we all learn in medical school? Don’t take my word for it.  My next guest, Dr. Jim Dahle (a.k.a The White Coat Investor), reinforces that point on this podcast. Like many of you listening, he had a bad experience with a financial advisor and unknowingly bought financial products he would later regret. Sound familiar? Dr. Dahle didn’t get discouraged by that, he sought empowerment through self-education, acquiring enough knowledge to start his website, The White Coat Investor. This is not just a side gig, people… His side hustle has become arguably the most comprehensive website