Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

015 – Don’t call her a superwoman – Dr Nicole Swiner demystifies the Superwoman Complex



Physician, author, speaker, social media coach, wife, mother, and owner of her own publishing company. Many say it takes superpowers to juggle all of these talents – but my next guest, Dr. Nicole Swiner, will say she’s no superwoman! She truly is living outside the box. In order to drum up more attention for her practice, she started writing medical advice for her town’s  local newspaper. Dr. Swiner’s passions are in women and minority health, stress management, and self care. Years later, with a myriad of columns and articles, she noticed that she covered very similar themes and used this to create her first book: How to Avoid the Superwoman Complex: 12 Ways to Balance Mind, Body & Spirit. Her book focuses on the notion that trying to be “all things to all people” is a large reason why people aren’t truly happy and healthy. Dr. Swiner did her undergraduate studies at Duke University, and obtained her medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina. From there, she decided Family Medicine was