Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

Ask Darko v2.0 Side Hustle in Med School



On this episode I answer questions from my listeners!! Where are you from? Where did you grow up? Why did you start the show? Can you have a side-hustle while in medical school? $200K in students loans as PGY -1. Sould I be more frugal with my spending to allocate more towards loans or utilize the Income Based Repayment plan? Resources: Future Proof MD Physician on Fire chimes in: “I would refinance with Laurel Road.  Invest enough to get any employer match in a 401(k) / 403(b) (if any) and consider maxing out a personal Roth with $5,500. After that, perhaps start paying down loans, but it will be much, much easier in three years. If he or she refinances via my link on the Student Loan Resource Page I have set up, I’ll donate $50 to a charity of his or her choice.”   If you enjoy the show please be sure to review this podcast episode on Apple Podcasts – I would so appreciate it….plus I rea