Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

039 – Travel in style with Dr. Nadeen White



LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER How great would it be to travel to exotic places all over the world? Pretty tempting huh? What if I told you that it could be done for free? Sounds too good to be true right? Yeah, you’re probably right. My next guest, Dr. Nadeen White, comes pretty close to that lifestyle. Whether it’s Thailand, Belgium, or South Africa, Dr. Nadeen White has probably been there and wrote about her experiences through her popular blog The Sophisticated Life. Self-proclaimed a blogger by day and physician (Pediatrician) by night, she lives outside the box showing her artistic side through both blogging and her travels. Besides documenting her travel experiences, she also has travel hacks and guides that have been featured in notable media including: The Huffington Post Essence Magazine On this show we’ll learn more about Dr. White and the background behind her popular blog. Things to pick up in this episode: Why and how s