Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

49 – The creation of FemInEM – Dara Kass, MD



LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER | SPOTIFY On this episode, we get to hear from one of the leading voices for the advancement of women in medicine. FemInEM founder Dr. Dara Kass is passionate about creating an environment where women in Emergency Medicine can act as champions for one another. She is the founder of FemInEM, an organization dedicated to the achievement of gender equity in emergency medicine. FemInEM serves as an open access resource for women in EM, a community focused on career development, physician support, and seeing women in medicine thrive. What began as a blog is now a movement, a multi-faceted community comprised women in medicine all over the world. Dr. Kass, is a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. After completing her residency at SUNY Downstate Medical School and Kings County Hospital, she served as faculty of Staten Island University Hospital, where she facilitated the start of their