Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

48 – He’s the architect of his own future



LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER | SPOTIFY   DOTB Nation! Recently, I flew to Los Angeles to interview an upcoming guest for the show. In LA, I stayed with an old friend of mine – Kwesi Asamoah. We met in college and have been friends ever since. That’s almost 20 years folks! Besides giving me a place to stay, he helped me with equipment checks and recording portions of the interview on camera. There’s more to Kwesi than just a great friend. Not only does he love all things related to the NBA, he also enjoys world travel and surfing. He’s not all fun and games though, Kwesi is formally trained as both an engineer and architect – yeah he’s pretty smarty-art (Chris Rock reference). Last year, Kwesi added architect outside the box to his repertoire when he chucked the deuces to his old employed life and started working as an independent contractor. He hasn’t looked back since. He joined me for my first Docs Outside the Box meetup at WurstKuche restaurant in Venice a couple of