Docs Outside The Box - Ordinary Doctors Doing Extraordinary Things

Don't be a Broke Retired Doctor (Money Trap #8) #338



The topic of this week’s Docs Outside the Box is “Don’t be a Broke Retired Doctor”, number eight of the “Eleven Money Traps that Keep Doctors Burned Out” series. In this episode Drs. Nii and Renée discuss the importance of investing in retirement plans early on, so that later in life, when and how a doctor retires, is their choice. Things to expect in this episode:Renée’s Good Morning America debut gets bumped for Brittney GrinerDo doctors continue to work late in life because they can’t afford to retire, or because they love their work?Why doctors are at a 10-year disadvantage for retirement plan investmentChoosing funds for your 401k or 403b, stocks, bonds, REITS and IRAsAssessing expense ratios, the expenses involved in investingWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! TELL US WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR ON FUTURE EPISODES!!!!FILL OUT THE DOCS OUTSIDE THE BOX PODCAST SURVEY (in partnership w INCROWD)INCROWDMAKE EXTRA MONEY AS A RESIDENT OR ATTENDING - COMPLETE MEDICAL SURVEYS WITH INCROWDWATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE! Join