Retro Hangover

Top 5 Infuriating Boss Battles | The Flight



Not every big bad comes packaged with a well designed encounter. Sometimes the difficulty balance is out of whack, sometimes the mechanics are just poorly thought out, and sometimes it feels like the developers forgot that games should be fun. Today we count down the absolutely annoying, the supremely sucky, and the punitively punishing boss battles.----------Music AttributionsMusical excerpts from 8-Bit Fantasy & Adventure by xDeviruchi, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.----------Mentioned in this episode:Shoutout to Our Patrons!Retro Hangover is supported by you, the listeners. We would especially like to thank the following Patrons for donating at the 8-bit tier and above: Lyle McKarns, Ashton Ruby, Randall Quiggle, Tony G, Studstill Smash (The Milkman), Katie Quigg, Paul Romalho, Raging Demon, JC, Meagan Caruso, MaskedKeaton, Andrew Liguori, Ozzy Garcia, The Retro Vixen, BacklogAdam, Thunderdome Gaming Society, Dischimera, Jenny E., Rick Firestone, ParallaxPuddles, Keith Ga