Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver

Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering “THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH”



Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering “THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH” from Daytona Beach, Florida and this week his topic will be “Is Your Diet A Riot = The Science of Nutrition,”Dr. Wayne has his Ph.D. in Natural Science plus a Doctorate in Naturopathy with an additional Doctorate in Theology and a Master’s Degree in Nutrition.   He’s an Author of 29 Books which can be found on www.MangoManBooks.com, over 100 CD’s, several DVD’s, over 300 Articles on Fitness, Stress, Nutrition and overall Wellness PLUS 10 Health Systems that are now in 46 Countries!  He’s an International Professional Motivational Speaker He shows you how to get Older and Better and NOT Old and Bitter while living a totally Disease-Free Lifestyle! His prognosis was death at age 30. Now, at 75 years young, Dr. Wayne is an award winning Triathlete of 32 of his 50 Triathlons he participated in.He’s also a Double Nominee for the Healthy American Fitness Leader Award by the United States Chamber of Commerce.  He’s a Florida State Licensed Nutrition C