About Regional

Local Govt. In limbo - About Regional with Ian Campbell Episode 07



Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly). About Regional – a new place for the stories of South East NSW, in episode 7… *Local Government across NSW is in limbo again as Gladys Berejiklian takes over from Mike Baird as Premier. A sense that they might be in trouble at the next election has the new look Government reviewing and reconsidering some its past decisions. Council amalgamations are at the top of the list. Here in South East NSW, the Snowy Monaro Regional Council has been operating since May 2016 – Bombala, Snowy River and Cooma-Monaro Shires weren’t forced to merge but not given much of choice either. Until elections are held one man is in charge, former Cooma Mayor Dean Lynch. He says the recent talk from Macquarie Street has been destabilising, and has complicated the process underway through the High Country. *Catalina’s Neville Baker is a breast cancer survivor. Recent numbers suggest there are about 120 men diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia every year. Neville’s d