About Regional

Folkies - About Regional with Ian Campbell Episode 11



Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly). Available via all good podcatcher apps including Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Podbean, audioBoom etc. Welcome to About Regional – a new place for the stories of South East NSW. The National Folk Festival in Canberra is underway and there is some what a South East take over happening with a bunch of artists from this side of the mountain performing. People like Heath Cullen, Kate Burke, Mike Martin, Sam Martin, Stonewave Taiko and the Djaadjawan Dancers are all taking centre stage. In the week’s leading up to the National, South East NSW provides a warm-up space to many of the performers booked to performer in Canberra. The Cobargo Folk Festival is one of those warm up events and always makes the most of the international artists who fly in for the National – it’s often the case that Cobargo is the first gig in an Australian tour for artists from the UK, Europe and America. Apart from the music, folkies enjoy a chat and