An Irishman Abroad

Adjusting Your Training Like The Pros With Sonia O’Sullivan & Special Guest Vinny Mulvey



Sonia O'Sullivan chats to comedian & running newbie Jarlath Regan about the latest news in world athletics and how to adjust your running training when things are no longer going to plan. The ability to change is what separates the good from the great. Sonia is Ireland's greatest track athlete ever so she knows a thing or two about adjust. As a coach at Union Athletic Club in Nike's Portland HQ, her job is to spot the changes other athletes need to make. She identifies the best way to get your self out of a training funk through self assessment and honest feedback from people you trust. Later in the show she takes questions from the listeners on "over training", returning from injury and how to adjust your training as you get older. It's a jam packed episode with Jarlath taking on a gym session with elite Irish coach Vinny Mulvey for the very first time. Can adjusting your attitude to strength training really fend off injury and reduce your times dramatically? Sonia and Vinny are in total agreement on thi