Underground Usa

The Reichsführer Of The World Economic Forum Death Star



Before we get into this morning’s segment with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch, I want to point you to the lead article over at UndergroundUSA.com, Klaus Schwab: Why Does This Fascist Have Influence. Who is Klaus Schwab? What's his history? How was he brought up? What was he exposed to? What are his ideas? Where does he want to go? Those answers are part of the introduction that I give in this week’s featured piece at UndergroundUSA.com and which introduces a fantastic documentary that was released last week called The Great Awakening.It's made by the people who produced Plandemic. It's the third in the series. It is a powerful, powerful documentary that explains a lot.It explains why woke is happening. It explains the goals set forth by the people who believe they're running the world over at the World Economic Forum. And it lays out a roadmap for us to be cognizant of so that we can throw wrenches in that machine at every step possible. It must be stopped.This globalist, elitist, oligarchic