Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

The Realities and Future of Modern Learning Ecosystems with Craig Weiss



Is your company, or department, growing and needing to upgrade the training systems you've outgrown? Or maybe you're just curious about the future of your career in L&D or corporate training? Perhaps you just like to stay informed about the training industry for other reasons. Digital technology has been changing our industry for over 50 years. Keeping up is not easy, but IDIODC is here to help.Craig Weiss joins IDIODC to talk about the changes in technology that are changing the landscape of L&D and corporate training. Seems like everyone has an opinion about our industry these days. However, very few have the deep level of informed opinion as Craig. His research reports, blog posts, and presentations are filled with a deep understanding of how current changes in technology impact you, your team, and your business.The current state of the L&D industry is something we all live everyday in the work we do. But those experiences are different for each of us. Join us for this episode of IDIODC and let