Post-modern Times

Episode 3: Animal Symbology in Christian Art



What do all of those animals in Christian art represent?Listen NowHere is one version of Leonardo's Madonna with a CatHere is a second one.Here is Federico Barocci's Madonna of the Cat. Note that John the Baptist holds a goldfinch. The goldfinch eats thorns and represents the passion, and its association with the crown of thorns.In Rembrandt's print Madonna and Child with Cat notice that Mary is trampling a serpent beneath he feet. Mary represents the new Eve as Jesus represents the new Adam.My new favorite Albrecht Dürer print is The Monstrous Pig of Landser. Monstrous indeed. Dürer also made a print called Prodigal Son Among the Pigs. The pig is often associated with the parable. Dürer has his main figure in a similar pose in his Saint Eustache.  Saint Eustache is the patron saint of hunters and is often represented praying to a deer. The deer usually has a crucifix between its antlers, as it does here. In this print the foreshortening a bit awkward. At first glance it looks like Eustanche is praying t