Christ Community Sunday - Brookside Campus

David and Jonathan [David 04]



1 Samuel 18: 1-9; 19:1 // Bill GormanAs we explore the story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel, we’ll consider three myths in our culture about friendship that prevent us from experiencing friendship the way it’s meant to be, and more than that, keep us from being the kind of friend that others need. As we consider the kind of friend that Jonathan is, we’ll see three truths from this story that counter our culture’s myths, and also point beyond friendship to a deeper human need we have. We all want a friend who makes our friendship primary, who’s intentional with us, and who sticks with us even when it’s costly…. But it’s much harder to be that kind of friend for others. What might it look like for you to take a step towards sacrificing in your friendships?Sermon Notes: Requests: