Underground Usa

The Foreign Virus That Has Metastasized As Wokeism



Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, Kyle Warren sitting in for a recovering Captain Matt Bruce, I wanted to play a segment of a podcast presented by the Heritage Foundation.I agree with a lot of the things they do – not all of it; I don't like the super behemoth think tank kind of thing that sucks all the air out of the room for people who are doing independent research (they don't tend to support people outside of their own realm) so that's a minus for the Heritage Foundation – but their information is solid. They try to do good work and I think they're leaning more in the right direction than a lot of the other think tanks.The segment of their podcast relates directly to the featured piece over at Underground USA this week titled, The Fight Against Wokeism Should Be A Bipartisan Effort. This speech centers on the speaker's experience growing up and escaping Communist China.The speaker is Lily Tang Williams. She grew up in China and witnessed Mao Zedong's