Independent's Day Radio

Episode 42: Jess Penner



Once upon a time, musicians and songwriters shied away from having their music associated with a product or service in a TV commercial. Remember the revolutionary uproar about Nike using a Beatles song to sell running shoes in 1987? Some major artists still hold fast like a bulwark for what they perceive to be artistic integrity. It's easy for Bruce Springsteen to turn down Ford or Chevrolet - he doesn't need the money. But things have changed, especially for new artists. With the decline of things like artist development at record labels and plummeting record sales in the rising tide of digital downloading, artists have had to innovate and find new revenue streams. Singer/songwriter Jess Penner exemplifies this new approach with style, rectitude and heart. Her solo music is a pleasing mash up of folk and quirky electronic pop and from the studio in her home, her catchy songs have found their way into more television programs, advertisements and movies than we have space to list. But Penner isn't just a shill