Independent's Day Radio

Episode 54: Everett Coast



Musicians have been pairing up for centuries; Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were far from the first musicians to realize the utility of having another voice to complement their own. But writing and performing with another person adds more than just another voice to one's music - it provides another person to share the spoils and tribulations of being in a band. Despite all the glamorous music videos and pie in the sky dreams of limousines and guitar-shaped pools, a life in music can mean a lot of lonely stretches of highway and feast or famine periods of income.  But perhaps most importantly, having another voice adds a whole other dimension to a single melody, and that is the blessed element of harmony. Danny Byrne and Josh Misko comprise a Los Angeles-based duo called Everett Coast. Both musicians were independent acoustic guitarists, singers and songwriters when they were introduced to one another by a teacher at Musician’s Institute in Hollywood in 2011. Each decided they liked what they heard out of the o