Independent's Day Radio

Episode 65: Dinosaur Horses



After arriving in Los Angeles in the late 1960s, Neil Young made a name for himself by introducing the world to a simple, haunting and idiosyncratic brand of music that mixed gentle acoustic guitars, visceral fuzzed-out electric guitars, lonesome harmonica and cryptic lyrics sung in a warbled tenor. Whether or not this sonic territory was what Los Angeles' Dinosaur Horses were aiming for with their debut record, "So Much For That," they succeeded in spades. Imitation may be a divine form of flattery, but there is a reverence in this music that comes not from a calculated mimicry but from a perhaps subconscious desire to make the most honest music possible by Dinosaur Horses' leader, Angelo Felder. Dinosaur Horses have the geographic credentials in order - they hail from the woody and tranquil Topanga Canyon area just outside of Los Angeles - and the ten songs on this record simply reek of a raw, unpretentious authenticity that would sound right at home drifting out of the windows of a sun-bleached Topanga cab