Independent's Day Radio

Episode 128: Mason Summit



“The kids are alright!” How many times have we heard that since The Who coined that amped-up pop aphorism on their 1965 debut album? The more ‘half empty’ set of every established generation seem convinced that the subsequent generation has no talent and no respect for their elders. Could it be the obligation of every generation to piss off those who came before? But time irrevocably marches on and great music continues to be made. Enter Mason Summit, a singer/songwriter who is still in high school and has two albums to his credit. Let that sink in for a minute. While his classmates were teepeeing their teachers’ houses or spending endless hours playing video games, Summit was playing legendary live music venues in Los Angeles and recording and honing his skills as an emerging songwriter. Summit’s songs are sharp and accessible, his guitar playing is pleasantly frenetic and his melodies and vocals show that he has done his homework by studying the masters of the craft of songwriting. So just forget all that s