Independent's Day Radio

Episode 142: The Clowns Will Eat Me



Just a few short months ago, musician and high school student Mason Summit had been accepted to college and was set to leave Los Angeles and study something far more sensible than music at a far away school. But his passion for music got the best of him and Summit switched tacks to songwriting. While the rest of his newly graduated classmates are packing up their laptops and lava lamps this late summer and heading off to college, Summit will stay closer to home, study songwriting and focus on his burgeoning music career. One of those classmates is guitarist, singer and songwriter Spencer Shapeero, who graduated a year before Summit and skipped town to the east coast to study music at Boston’s famed Berklee College of Music. Early in middle school, Shapeero and Summit struck up their friendship based on a shared affinity for crafty songwriting and the pair formed a duo called The Clowns Will Eat Me to allow them both a creative outlet and a harmony voice. Both musicians are active in multiple projects but the