Independent's Day Radio

Episode 146: Adam Levy



Few musicians get to experience the kind of career ride Adam Levy has had. It all started simply enough; Levy was a young, talented jazz guitarist who grew up in Los Angeles and had lived on both coasts - playing with numerous artists and earning some accolades for his smoky blues licks on Tracy Chapman’s hit, “Give Me One Reason.” After a few more moves Levy found himself in San Francisco writing for Guitar Player magazine. Not a bad regular gig in a field where regular gigs come dear. A strange confluence of events then set him on a path that would sound like a yarn had it not come to pass. It was sparked by an e-mail from a little-known performer he’d played with in New York, along with a rare and uncannily good deal on an apartment in Manhattan and a cross-country tag along ride. That e-mail was from Norah Jones, with whom Levy had been playing gigs before he left for the West coast. She was headed into the studio to record her debut album for the Blue Note label and she asked him to come to New York and