Independent's Day Radio

Episode 160: David Serby



David Serby is a stalwart member of Los Angeles' vibrant roots music community. He's a local boy, born in North Hollywood, and aside from leading his own band (The Latest Scam) and playing bass for other artists, Serby co-founded The California Roots Union, an advocacy group with a stated mission of "preserving and promoting the California roots music scene, upholding its long legacy and fostering new talent." It's enough to make any mortal musician tired just thinking about it. When asked if he's something other than mortal, or if, perhaps, his days have an extra hour or two, and Serby will politely demur - but his resume speaks otherwise. He is a prolific songwriter who has released five albums to date, the most recent of which is an eponymous double-disc set comprised of twenty songs that were culled from the fifty-odd songs he'd complied since his prior record. The David Serby and The Latest Scam record also marked a stylistic shift from the reputation he'd built as a country musician with a closet jones