John Kuzma's Podcast

Episode 19: Ecclesiad



This is in two parts. The first part talks about the childhood yearning that everyone has for a simpler life. I mention that "a good stick is almost impossible to find." This is because in adulthood we become separated. There are just as many caterpillars as there were in the old days of my childhood, but I just don't spend enough time crawling around on the grass to notice them. Then the poem ends part I with me saying "faith left me for younger choir boys," that is, the childlike faith.  The second half of the poem turns to a series of adult images, focusing on the ram of Abraham, God's ram in the bushes. This is the world of adulthood where we need to be reminded that the ram is always there, but it is not known to us. Many people do reckless things in life if they don't find the ram in the bushes and this is the ram that God put in Abraham's possession for sacrifice, so he did not have to sacrifice his son, testing his loyalty.