Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Hearts of Fire - Series II. Episode II - "Blood on the Heartswood Road"



"17 Eocasta, 1136 EV. The Storm Watch continues North by way of Nassea Malos & the Deadlands via the Heartswood Road. Along the way, the Storm Watch encounters strange Magiks at The Crossroads, Wyvern Hunting Grounds, a Memorial to those lost during the Second Infernal Crusade, the towering Sentinels known as the Maitulie Ona, and a broken-down caravan at the edge of the Deadlands that heralds sinister omens ahead..." SOURCEBOOKS: Featuring: MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare and Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim MCDM: Kingdoms & Warfare: MUSIC: Intro Music: Metal (Royalty Free Music) - "AURORA" by DEgITx