Kobo Writing Life Podcast

#16 - How Joanna Penn Became an Indie Author Powerhouse



KWL Director Mark Lefebvre and US Manager Christine Munroe were joined by NYT bestselling author, professional speaker, and entrepreneur Joanna Penn. Joanna is an invaluable resource for indie authors through her blog, The Creative Penn, and podcast of the same name. Listen in as Joanna shares insights about: How Joanna began her journey as a fiction writer through NaNoWriMo in 2009. Why she defines herself and fellow indie authors as entrepreneurs: "I define an entrepreneur as someone who creates something of value from their own head… these days, if you're writing fiction and you're self-publishing, and you are being a businessperson, then you are being an entrepreneur." Other methods of earning income as an author: audio, print, and translation – and specifically how Joanna produced PENTECOST as an audiobook through ACX. How publishing her eBooks in English through kobo.com helped her reach readers in 30 countries and counting. Joanna's collaborative "give first" approach: if you give first, others will c