Native Trailblazers

Classical Guitarist Gabriel Ayala and UIUC student Xochitl Sandoval



She:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers!  The award-winning Native themed online radio show. Every Friday at 7pm EST - JOIN THE CHAT - Here's How  This Friday's show: First we will be speaking with long time show guest favorite Gabriel Ayala a classical gutarist and former Nammy artist of the year. Then we will be speaking with Univ Ill Urbana Champaign student Xochitl Sandoval who told the school she considered suicide due to the pain inflicted by the Chief Illiniwek Mascot. Join us for music, lighthearted and serious discussion tonight.  Check out our website & Sign up for our mailing list:   Vincent Schilling (Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media, Inc.) Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media, Inc.) Native American Google+ Community - Here