Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Be Careful Cops Can Keep Your Cash



Be Careful Cops Can Keep Your Cash. Some time back a trucker was pulled over by the police. He was on his way from Louisiana to Texas. He claims he was on his way to buy a semi truck. In doing so he had brought a large amount of cash with him. Notice I said Large amount. In route he was pulled over and searched. Law enforcement did not believe his story and how he came across the large amount of money. The money was confiscated. Flash forward to a courts decision. The decision was not to return the drivers money. TalkCDL referenced the following article Probable Cause. What are your thoughts on this subject? Has this ever happened to you? Write to us and tell us your story. Let us know if you agree with the ability for law enforcement to judge you at a traffic stop. Drivewyze  for IOS users, allows you to bypass weigh stations using only an ap on your phone Drivewyze for Android users National Carriers is hiring students, solos, teams and lease purchase driver Driving for solos