Underground Usa

The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election



Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – Kyle Warren sitting in for him, I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it.I've been saying for a very long time that the Democrat Party leadership is not representative of the Democrat Party rank-and-file. The leadership in the Democrat Party is very far Left. They are Progressive; they are not Democrats. Progressives are not Democrats. They just run under that moniker.They like to be a true big-tent party and you can see this with their inclusion of Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and full-blown admittedly Socialist Bernie Sanders. That wing has captured the Democrat Party.The Democrats are a legacy of the Kennedy family who were true Democrats. Yes, they were Left of Center but they were closer to the Center than the fascist radicals that now control the Democrat Party.Why aren't the media and the DNC getting b