I Don't Want A Divorce Podcast With Dr. David Clarke

You've Had Enough of Your narc



Are you tired of feeling manipulated, controlled, and belittled by a narcissist? It's time to break free from their grip and take back control of your life. In this podcast episode, we'll explore the common traits of narcissists and the impact they can have on your mental health and wellbeing. You'll learn practical strategies for setting boundaries, identifying gaslighting and manipulation tactics, and implementing self-care techniques to rebuild your self-esteem and confidence. Whether you're in a toxic relationship with a narcissist or trying to recover from the trauma of one, this video will provide valuable insights and guidance on how to overcome their influence and move towards a healthier, happier future. Join us on this journey towards personal empowerment and freedom from narcissistic abuse. Subscribe to our channel for more videos like this and stay tuned for more helpful tools, resources, and tips on how to thrive in your relationships and life. For more information and resources from Dr. David Cl