

When we look at porn, she's always so beautiful. Right? We're captivated, and enraptured by the form of her naked body. It makes us want so bad what we're seeing with our natural eyes. We think that this is what we need to feel happy and fulflled. But if we could see her in another way, with our spritual eyes, she might look more like the image posted to represent this episode of the podcast. She's a metaphorical corpse. She's rotten, and decaying. As it says in Galatians 6:8, when we sow to please our flesh it leads to "corruption", which happens when a dead body begins to decay. In this episode Tony shares an amazing list that a man he knows created. It's a list of 43 hidden prices the man was paying in exhchange for his indulgence in pornography. When we're acting out with porn in sexual compulsion, our natural eyes see something we think is beautiful, but behind the scenes in the spiritual realm there is decay, destruction, and corruption. Do not be decieved! 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A