Align Podcast

Humble The Poet: Seeking Validation And Embracing Our Vulnerability | EP 446



In this episode of the Align Podcast, Humble the Poet and I have a meaningful conversation about building relationships, understanding vulnerability and how to live up to our truth. We also discuss the concept of Sikhism and the 5 thieves of life.  Do we rely too much on dopamine, approval and validation? Humble the Poet delves into the importance of finding inner peace and being mindful of society's influence on our desires. Once we stop judging our own behaviours, we can become more compassionate towards ourselves and others.  Humble The Poet (Kanwer Singh), is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, internationally bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher. What began as reciting spoken word poetry in coffee shops to impress girls evolved into a creative adventure that has spanned the last 10 years; crossing genres, mediums and oceans. His first two releases UNLEARN & THINGS NOBODY CAN TEACH US have become international bestsellers. Visit him at Magnesi