Ark Audio

Ark Audio Book Club #36 Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata



This month we have read “Convenience Store Woman” by Sayaka Murata, her 10th book and her first novel to be translated into English and now Danish too. The Novel to the story of Keiko, a woman out of sorts from the world who has learned not to trust her instincts. Thus she has found sanctuary from the adult world by working in a convenience story store, a place in which your every utterance come from a rule book. For 18 years this has gone fine but its starting to wear thin with the rest of her network, which she only really has to keep up appearances and pass the time while not at work. To fix this she resolves to get together with another social misfit, Shiraha, to appear more normal to the outside world. But this threatens to take her away from her beloved convenience store. Talking about the book this month are Jiri Chabera, Frida Hammershøy and of course Giovanna Alesandro. Hosted by Macon Holt.