Pure Sex Radio

Protecting Your Child from Predators



Today’s subject matter is something we rarely like to talk about but is extremely necessary for parents considering the sexualized culture we live in. Our topic is protecting your child from predators. Our guest is Dr. Beth Robinson, a licensed professional counselor, professor, and certified school counselor with over 25 years of experience in caring for traumatized children and educating parents on how to better protect their children from danger. In our discussion, Dr. Beth helps parents deal with their fears around this topic, when and how to talk to their kids about sex and safety, how to choose a babysitter, what to do if parents think their child is a victim of sexual abuse, addressing technology, and more. To learn more about Beth and the resources available to parents who want to better protect their kids, visit KidsCallMeDoc.com. More Resources:Protecting Your Child from Predators by Dr. Beth RobinsonThe Safe Touch Coloring BookCritical Conversations Webinar for ParentsRelated Podcasts: Keeping Kids