G*m*s Magazine Podcast Channel

The GMS Magazine Podcast: Quackalope extortion and ethics in gaming media.



A few days ago before posting this video/podcast, Quackalope, a well know, large YouTube channel dedicated to board games, came under fire when a company released data que showed what looks like an extortion attempt by the channel’s staff. We go into detail in the video, but in a nutshell, Quackalope offered to scrap some 50 hours of footage they had recorded because they found the game difficult to deal with, and replace it with newer footage for a 7500$, reduced from 12.500$. Then things got ugly. You can read more about it in these sources: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3086656/quackalope-alleged-blackmail-publisher-pay-better https://kotaku.com/board-game-sponsored-content-controversy-youtube-stream-1850459869 ********************************************** This channel is dedicated to all those games you might never hear about otherwise. Please help our channel by subscribing and commenting. If you like our work, please buy us a Ko-Fi ► https://ko-fi.com/gmsmagazine *******************************