@ Sea With Justin Mcroberts

6 Year Olds and the Nature of Time



If you pay attention to my life in any way, shape, or form, you know that I have a 12-year-old, almost 13, and a six-year-old; she just turned six. My six-year-old, I call her the bird. She has a really unique and interesting relationship with time. And over the last, I don't know, three, four years, I've been paying attention to and learning from the way she actually experiences time. So when she has a memory about something, and it's something that was significant to her, if it's something that was important, or she feels impacted by, she'll say that it was yesterday. That's it's the word she uses. Do you remember yesterday? Now, when I hear her say that, my brain registers this calendar image, and I know that the event she's talking about wasn't yesterday; it was maybe two weeks ago; it could have been a year ago. But for her, the relationship she has to the moment to the memory isn't actually predicated on or measured by some, like, grid of blocks with dates and colored words. It's in her soul. That thing