Comic Geek Speak Podcast - The Best Comic Book Podcast

1900 - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Movie Review



We're officially only one hundred episodes away from TWO THOUSAND (numbered) episodes! Time flies when you're talking about comics, I must say. Spoilers abound, as Chris, Shane, Ben, Murd and Ian traverse space, Zune in hand, for what could potentially be the Guardians last ride. How did The High Evolutionary land as a villain? Are Mantis and Drax the best comedy duo in the MCU? Is Cosmo good dog? Will Peter Quill ever get his act together enough to be Star-Lord? What about Gamora and Nebula, can these two sisters get along? Did Adam Warlock stack up to expectations? Was there crying over Rocket Raccoon's backstory? Is this a worthy farewell for James Gunn, as he heads firmly to the Distinguished Competition moving forward? And finally, most importantly...I Am Groot? (1:31:34)